Catalyst - Home

Imagine a world where tech serves everyone equally.

We are a network supporting communities to transform technology into a tool for justice.

Catalyst network of digital experts and funders helping UK charities develop their digital skills


Free resources about tech justice, liberatory tech and equitable funding – view all resources


Sociocracy and Catalyst: what we’ve learned since 2020

Sociocracy offers a structured way to share power and improve decision-making. Catalyst uses it to make decisions, allocate resources, prioritise activities and work collaboratively. Here are our reflections on this approach and what we’ve learned.

Why we need feminist AI

Gender bias is baked into AI. Feminist AI (FAI) wants to address this. We explore the importance of FAI, how it can challenge systemic discrimination, and how initiatives like Chayn’s FAI tool can make a difference.

To charities and social enterprises, supporting them to develop their digital confidence and grow their products.


Partners awarded grants to support charities and civil society organisations on their digital journeys.


Value of awards granted to charities and social enterprises.

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